
Take time to see, taste and smell all the smaller things in life. Do not take a chance on missing something that could bring you pleasure from a glance, a touch or a scent.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Unit 3 Reflections

Based on my reflections, my physical wellbeing is about a 5. I am carrying more weight than I should have and I have been very laxed on my exercise routine. Now that all the holiday celebrations are over, I am going to get back to my gym and back to a healthier eating habit. My spiritual wellbeing is about a 6 or 7. I know what I want, I know the obstacles and I am happy with how I feel at this time. In just the past couple of weeks of taking this class I have refocused on my spiritual self. I have always had a big picture in my mind of how I am doing and I have just been reminded that I am good in this aspect. My psychological wellbeing is at a 5. I have been experiencing many difficulties one right after another in the past month, I have been feeling overwhelmed with everything and this has caused a bit of stress. I am a person that will keep things in, or I think I do, but the stress will come out as being agitated over a small thing. Then I begin to think that if I do not think about these problems then they will go away. We all know that is not the case!

After listening to The Crime of the Century I came away feeling very relaxed but not focused. It was very clear that I am not as focused and grounded as I originally thought. It was interesting to me that I could not connect to the blue and green colors. I seemed a bit lost and could not associate these colors with any item. I find this a bit disturbing.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cold Weather

Boy was it cold out at 2:30 am this morning. The cold just bit right through you, but I guess living in Michigan this is what is expected.