
Take time to see, taste and smell all the smaller things in life. Do not take a chance on missing something that could bring you pleasure from a glance, a touch or a scent.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Unit 3 Reflections

Based on my reflections, my physical wellbeing is about a 5. I am carrying more weight than I should have and I have been very laxed on my exercise routine. Now that all the holiday celebrations are over, I am going to get back to my gym and back to a healthier eating habit. My spiritual wellbeing is about a 6 or 7. I know what I want, I know the obstacles and I am happy with how I feel at this time. In just the past couple of weeks of taking this class I have refocused on my spiritual self. I have always had a big picture in my mind of how I am doing and I have just been reminded that I am good in this aspect. My psychological wellbeing is at a 5. I have been experiencing many difficulties one right after another in the past month, I have been feeling overwhelmed with everything and this has caused a bit of stress. I am a person that will keep things in, or I think I do, but the stress will come out as being agitated over a small thing. Then I begin to think that if I do not think about these problems then they will go away. We all know that is not the case!

After listening to The Crime of the Century I came away feeling very relaxed but not focused. It was very clear that I am not as focused and grounded as I originally thought. It was interesting to me that I could not connect to the blue and green colors. I seemed a bit lost and could not associate these colors with any item. I find this a bit disturbing.


  1. Great Post, so sorry to hear that you have been going through some tough times. Like you I too need to shape up and lose some weight and eat a little healthier. I plan on scheduling time at least 30 min to and hour daily for exercise and even keeping a food journal to help me track what I eat and make changes where need be. I am so glad that you feel spiritually sound. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for the great post. I am very sorry to hear that you have been going through alot here lately. That is all the more reason for you to get into some type of physical and psychological well being program. Sometimes going to the gym will help us to forget about our problems for awhile and the same thing with taking some time to relax and let the mind just shut down for a few minutes. We need this and deserve this. As you said, keeping things bottled up inside of you will not make them go away, just nestle further inside of you and affect you in more ways than you want or need.
    It is great that spiritually you feel grounded and that is an area that you can use to your benefit in order to address the other areas of your life. Try to find someone that you can talk to about what is going on that you know will not share your business and hopefully this will help you to feel better and get new ideas of how to deal with what you are going through.
    I too found it interesting that you were not able to see those 2 colors and maybe that will give you some idea of where you need to start on your journey to better health and well being.
    I also am trying to lose some unwanted pounds and cannot believe how much better I feel overall since starting to go to the gym 6 days a week.
    Good luck in what you are going through and I will be praying for you. Have a great week and good luck with your goals

  3. I know how you feel about the unwanted pounds. I have been struggling for months. I, too have been going through some very rough times that have really caused some problems. What has helped me more than anything is learning to take time for myself, do some deep breathing, meditate, read devotions or pray. If you need someone to talk to, I am available....
