
Take time to see, taste and smell all the smaller things in life. Do not take a chance on missing something that could bring you pleasure from a glance, a touch or a scent.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Psychospiritual Flourishing (Unit 4)

Loving and Kindness

After experiencing the Loving Kindness CD I felt very calm and at peace with myself. I had a tense day at work due to events that happened around me. These events seemed so large and intense but after the exercise, they no longer matter because I took all of the anger and meanness into myself and gave back love and kindness. The anger went away the events seemed to disappear and I feel as if I had a beautiful day. This was so beneficial and welcomed. I would recommend this to other people that want to experience true kindness and love.

Mental Work Out

It is hard to think of working the mind like you would your body. The mental work out is a concept based on repeatedly practicing the exercises that help you turn into yourself and focus on you. For you have to have full attention on your emotions in order to give back to others the kindness and loving. We must train our mind to go farther and to the next level of consciousness. To get to these levels of psychspiritual flourishing and to actually get to our inner self, we must practice on a daily basis.


  1. Susan,
    That is wonderful that this exercise was able to turn your stressful day into a good one. Sometimes it is difficult to let things go that do not really matter and focus on things that do and to look inwardly. Practicing the loving kindness can also change the way that we deal with stressful situations. This will benefit our own health and well being.
    Great explanation of the mental workout. I always say that if we do not learn something new each day then it was a wasted day. I find myself learning many things each day and especially with this new health and wellness approach that I am taking.
    God bless you and maybe if you practice this exercise each morning before work it will give you a clearer approach to the stressful situations. Good luck

  2. It is great that this assignment truned out to be so beneficial for you. It is odd sometimes how our emotions can get us all wound up, but if we take a moment to reflect on the big picture and the things that matter in life those emotions seem so far fetched. I can get so wound up when a doctor at my work treats me like I'm insignificant, but when I take a moment to realize that my life isn't based off of how other people treat me it helps a lot. That is easier said than done of course :) I enjoyed reading your post and hope you have a good week at work.

  3. Isn't it great when you are able to find a wonderful way to relax after a hard day. I love when I can find a way to forget about my frustrations and problms if only for a moment o I can enjoy silence. The voice got to me a bit but I also found it to be a great way to relax. Work can be tedious an frustrating at times for m but I too found relaxation when completing it. Hope this next wee at work is better for you!

  4. I am so glad that you were able to use the loving kindness exercise to decompress from work. I had a really hard time completing the exercise, it took me about four tries but finally I did it. After completing it I felt so much better more relaxed or in the zone, it was great.
