
Take time to see, taste and smell all the smaller things in life. Do not take a chance on missing something that could bring you pleasure from a glance, a touch or a scent.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Unit 6 - Integral Assessment and Development

The loving kindness exercise is very rewarding; it really makes me see the positive side of life, even if it is only for a while during the day. As time goes on I will be able to develop my mind and learn to see things like this all the time. There are a lot of gossipy people who I work with and I really do not like this but you can get caught up in the emotions of the moment. I am hoping the practices will strengthen my ability to control my thoughts.

After stepping back and looking into all four aspects of human experiences, I have chosen to focus on the biological development in my life. I can see that getting back into a regular exercise routine, this will be build on the other aspects such as healthier eating and shedding a few pounds. I can see by choosing this one area to focus is a better way than looking at weight loss first.  I may eat healthier or I may exercise but possibly not both. By choosing exercise I will begin to lose weight because I will not want to eat all the heavy foods that I have been eating.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more. The benefits of regular fitness and exercise are amazing. Jack Lalane died on Sunday, but at 96 he walked the walk and talked the talk. I also need to work on this area and with only a month left of this term and one more to go I will be on my way.
